Forest Carbon Offsets offered by WSC as part of CSR
WSC is teaming up
Crowberry Energy to deliver a whole package of environmental and corporate
social responsibility risk management services for businesses, including 14001,
allowing companies to demonstrate their
commitment to the
environment thereby adding value to the business.
Crowberry Energy evaluates the
organisation's carbon footprint and assists in implementing a
carbon reduction strategy portfolio, which includes forest carbon offsets,
managed by Woodland Stewardship, as well as carbon reduction and recycling.
Contact us to determine how your company's
social, ethical and
environmental impacts can be managed.
"Guardians of our Great Forests - Shropshire Star Blogger, Lara Page
reports on Woodland Stewardship 25/01/10
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Climate Change - A Role for UK Forests - The Synthesis Report 2009 24/01/10
An assessment of the potential of the UK's trees and woodlands to mitigate
and adapt to climate change.
Draft Code of Good Practice for UK Forest Carbon Offset projects
In April 2010, the Forestry Commission is due to launch the Code of Good
Practice for Forest Carbon Offset Projects. The code will be the industry
standard and is designed to regulate and ensure that best practice,
accountability and transparency surrounding issues such as "additionality",
"permanence" and "leakeage" are being applied in the forest carbon offsets
voluntary market, and that double-counting does not arise.
of Good Practice for Forest Carbon
FSC UK Approves new Trademark Standard 21/01/10
The Standard covers requirements for on-product labelling, promotional use
and graphic rules.
Read More
Cold Weather and Natural Mortality of Deer in the UK 21/01/10
As weather forecasters keep on reminding us, we are currently experiencing
the most prolonged cold spell of winter weather for a generation. Among our six
main deer species, the two that may be affected most by these adverse conditions
are the non-native Muntjac and Chinese Water Deer.
Stock Clearance - GPS and Hand-held used Survey Equipment for Sale
1 OmniSTAR Fugro 3000LR12 DGPS
Receiver and Antenna used for surveying and GIS mapping. DGPS provides less than
1 metre accuracy). The equipment requires a paid uplink via Fugro to receive
corrections from an array of GPS reference stations located around the globe
(Not Included).
1 Itronix Fex21 (32Mb
RAM) versatile, rugged and environmentally immune handheld computer utilizing
the Microsoft Windows CE operating system. Has PocketGIS surveying and mapping
software installed.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative Announces New Standard for Forest
Certification in the New Year
to include attention to biodiversity
Read More
Wood exports carbon friendly: Study 20/01/10
Sustainable timber can be positive over the life-cycle of its
production and distribution to market – even when transported long distances by
sea – a New Zealand forest industry emissions study claims. The study also
concludes that sustainably-produced wood compares well in footprint comparisons
with other construction materials such as steel, concrete and aluminium.
2010 Applications invited for the National Forest Changing
Landscapes Scheme 20/01/10
Read More
British Columbia Interior Mountain Pine Beetle Report Impact and
Outlook of BC Timber Availability and Wood Products Production March 2010
The mountain pine beetle (MPB) has devastated the pine forests of BC - one of
the largest wood products producing regions in the world. This is becoming one
of the world's largest natural disasters; causing North American shortages of
timber and wood products.
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Forestry Commission backs Lancashire's biggest woodfuel project
A Christian holiday centre and bible school has become the first and largest
organisation of its kind in Lancashire to switch its energy supply to woodfuel
and take a step closer to becoming totally environmentally friendly.
The Commission is driving forward the development of woodfuel in England, to
increase the output of wood by two million tonnes each year by 2020, enough to
supply 250,000 more homes with energy.
Read More
Inventory and
Projections of UK Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks due to Land Use,
Land Use Change and Forestry,
Annual Report, 18/01/10
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, University of Aberdeen, Forest Research Alice
Holt, National Soil Resources Institute, Agri-Food & BiosCentre
for Ecology & Hydrology - LULUCF
Sciences Institute, Queen's University Belfast.
Read More
Urgent call for round wood supplies 18/01/10
The recent exceptional weather has meant that some UK sawmills and
processors are becoming desperately short of round wood supplies.
ConFor has held a series of meetings with Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS) and
the industry to identify what steps can be taken to keep supplies coming
forward, and through the Timber Transport Forum regional network, close contact
has been maintained with local roads authorities to identify key haul routes
that once cleared have allowed some timber to be shifted. ConFor and FCS are
very grateful for this cooperation.
Meanwhile the potential short fall of supplies is likely to continue for several
weeks despite the current thaw (which brings its own problems with the increased
likelihood of in-forest road damage). ConFor and FCS would encourage anyone who
may have felling plans ahead, especially of readily accessible stands, to
consider bringing them forward immediately, where there may then be an
opportunity to realise some favourable prices for round wood.
FC conservancies have indicated their willingness to fast track felling activity
for anyone who presently does not have a felling licence. It is in nobody’s
interest if sawmills and processing plants are forced to shut down for want of
supplies, and it is hoped that the growing sector can respond to the situation.
Bio-energy flagged as key to future forestry investments
CIBC (a North American Investment institution) stated at the recent seventh
annual natural resources forum in British Columbia, Canada, that bio-energy is
likely to play a pivotal role in the future of the forestry investment industry.
Read More
The 20-year forest carbon market has produced the bulk of its credits
since 2007 18/01/10
The forest carbon market is now two decades old but the bulk of its
20-million-tonne contribution to carbon sequestration and emissions reduction
has come in the last three years - despite the global financial crisis and
Of the total historical volume, the over-the-counter (OTC) voluntary carbon
market accounted for 15.3 MtCO2, and voluntary exchange-related trading on the
Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) saw 2.6 MtCO2 transacted. Forest credits
generated for sale into the mandatory emissions markets accounted for the rest;
1.8 MtCO2 from NSW GGAS, 600,000 tonnes in Kyoto Protocol AAUs, 500,000 tonnes
from Kyoto’s CDM A/R sector and 100,000 from New Zealand’s recently-begun
emissions trading scheme.
Global sawlog prices jumped almost 8% in the 3Q/09 because of improved
lumber markets in the US 18/01/10
The recent upswing has been the result of a tighter log supply but also
because of improved operating rates at many sawmills in both the US and Europe.
The US, the Nordic countries, Central Europe the Baltic States and Russia have
experienced the largest price increases (in the local currencies) over the past
six months.
Read More
Climate Exchange Trading Update 15/01/10 18/01/10
Forestry Commission joins forces with ConFor on climate change
The Forestry Commission and ConFor have agreed to work together to
identify how the forestry and wood-using sector can best make a contribution to
the transition to a low-carbon economy.
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Forest Carbon Markets 2009 - Full Report
Companies that rescue and restore forests
to earn money by capturing carbon in trees likely expanded their operations in
2009, despite the global recession and regulatory uncertainty, capping three
years of accelerating growth, according to the first-ever global survey of
emerging markets in forest carbon.
Carbon Markets 2009
- Full Report
Scottish Biomass Heat Scheme 3rd Round 15/01/10
In Scotland the third round of the biomass heat scheme has a closing date of
12 February 2010. Administered by FC Scotland, it aims to support small to
medium-sized businesses looking to make the infrastructure changes necessary to
tap into renewable heat for their premises. For more information visit;
Potential applicants are strongly advised to discuss their project at an early
stage with the Scottish Regional Biomass Advice Network at http://www.usewoodfuel.co.uk/ContactUs.stm
DECC invites applicants for £1.5 million Bio-energy infrastructure
grants in England 14/01/10
In England farmers, foresters and local authorities can apply for £1.5m
grants to help develop the supply of biomass materials in England. The funding
is part of round three of the bio-energy infrastructure scheme.
6 New entrants placements required under the ForStart project in
northeast England 14/01/10
Northwoods is delivering ForStart, a project funded by Landskills North
East, to encourage new entrants from northeast England into careers in trees and
timber. MORE….The project has places for six new entrants and any businesses
interested in providing funded placements should express their interest by 25
January 2010. A week’s work experience is also being used to recruit suitable
candidates onto the ForStart programme, date to be confirmed, at Chopwell Wood,
near Gateshead. Contact: will@yorwoods.org.uk
The Times reports a huge increase in demand for timber in China, with
implications for global timber prices. 14/01/10
Read More
The EU Due Diligence Regulation and UK Producers 2009
The proposed Due Diligence regulation will require that operators placing
timber on the EU market for the first time implement and run a ‘due diligence’
system to minimize the risk that the timber comes from an illegal source. This
applies to timber originating from both outside and from within the EU. DEFRA
asked ProForest to examine the potential implications of this draft regulation
for smaller, more informally managed forests in the UK.
Download PDF
Joint Venture or Lease on the England Public Forest Estate
The Government has included the possibility of a JV or Lease of some forests on
the English PFE as part of the Frontline First initiative that the Prime
Minister launched on 7th December. The reference to the PFE can be
found on page 50 in the Operational Efficiency Programme document - available on
this weblink
A background brief to the Operational Efficiency Programme is at Annex A. It
is expected that a JV or Lease would apply to the commercial element of a
limited number of forests, primarily in the north of England.
Read More
State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2009 13/1/10
This report was created to answer fundamental questions about the
voluntary carbon markets such as transaction volumes, credit prices, project
types, locations, and the motivations of buyers in this market.
State of
the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2009
Forestry and timber markets feel the winter chill in Scotland -
The exceptionally harsh winter conditions across northern Europe at the end of
last year and the beginning of 2010, has had serious repercussions in the
Scottish forestry and timber sector. The timber supply chain there has almost
ground to halt as the big freeze engulfed the region for an unusually prolonged
Read More
‘Forest Carbon Offsetting Trends’ Survey 2009
EcoSecurities, Conservation International (CI), ClimateBiz and the Climate,
Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA) announce the findings of their
‘Forest Carbon Offsetting Trends’ survey 2009. Find out what 120 global,
multinational and regional organisations' attitudes are to forest carbon
projects in general. In addition the report also examines the motivating factors
behind corporate decisions to purchase forest carbon offsets and the perceptions
which organisations have regarding the additional community and biodiversity
benefits that many forestry projects often provide.
Carbon Offsetting Trends
Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
Deforestation accounts for about 18 percent of global greenhouse gas
emissions—larger than the entire global transportation sector. Without REDD, the
widely endorsed goal of climate stabilization at a maximum 2°C temperature
increase will not be reached. The Government of Norway has made the inclusion of
a mechanism for REDD in a post-2012 climate regime a policy priority in the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process.

Institute. 2009. “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
(REDD): An Options Assessment Report.”
Forest Property Valuations Continue To Grow
investors are turning to the UK forestry sector as an tangible commodity that
has stayed steady in an otherwise chaotic market place. While values may have
declined slightly in recent months, the sector has not been hit as hard
and, according to the latest Forest Market Report from UPM Tilhill and Savills,
demand from timber investors is still increasing.
Investors are becoming attracted to this emerging
market in particular because forestry investments out-performed both equities
and commercial
property in 2008. Both of these asset classes saw total returns tumble to -29.9%
p.a. and -22.1% p.a. respectively in the forest property market, whilst forestry
returned 7%.
In the UK timber income generated from the
ownership of commercial forestry is free of income and corporation tax. Forest
grants are also tax exempt with the exception of annual grants paid under the
Farm Woodland Premium Scheme.
The increase in value of timber through physical growth and timber price
increases is exempt from Capital Gains Tax (CGT). Increases in the underlying land value is not
exempt but can be indexed.
All commercial woodland qualifies for 100% business property
(Inheritance Tax) relief, provided
they have been held for two years.
IPD UK Forestry Index Report 2009
Investments Blog 4/1/10
Announces $1 Billion to Reduce Forest Emissions 2/1/10
US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced that the United
States— joined by Australia, France, Japan, Norway, and the United
Kingdom—agreed to dedicate a total of $3.5 billion toward slowing, halting, and
eventually reversing deforestation in developing countries. This funding will
help facilitate immediate actions in REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from
Deforestation and Degradation) for the years 2010-2012. According to the US
Department of Agriculture, the funds will be available for countries that
develop ambitious REDD+ plans for their forest sector, according to their
respective capabilities.
UK IPD Index - 2009
The IPD Forestry Index is calculated from a sample of private sector coniferous
plantations of predominantly Sitka spruce in mainland Britain. By the end of
2008 the 144 forests in the index had a total capital value
of £121.9m.

IPD UK Forestry Index Report 2009