Forest Surveys
Woodland Grants

"Each generation takes the
earth as trustees.
We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests
and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed."

-J. Sterling Morton



Read on to find out more if you are considering certification and retaining market share for your timber resource.

In the UK, Martin B. Jones, Managing Director of the Woodland Stewardship Company, has been employed by several FSC approved certifiers, including the Soil Association and SmartWood, to carry out Forest Management, Resource Manager and Group certifications according to the UKWAS Standard and UK Forest Standard.

We have significant expertise and experience in assisting landowners becoming UKWAS certified. We can simplify the process and thereby reduce costs for the owner.

In the UK, the United Kingdom Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) has been designed to ensure that it reflects the requirements of both the UK Forestry Standard and the Forest Stewardship Council's (FSC) GB Standard. It has been designed for use in the certification of UK woodlands and forests by independent certification bodies and addresses specific aspects of management or types of operation in turn. Clients who undergo third party audits and who are found to fully conform to the UKWAS Standard are allowed to carry the FSC registered trademark.

Download the latest updated UKWAS

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UK Woodland Assurance Standard
(2nd Edition)